Womens health & wellbeing

Websites relating to womens sexual health and wellbeing

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Web Link Sexual Health and Family Planning ACT

SHFPACT's purpose is improved sexual and reproductive health for the Canberra community, within a framework of human rights, social justice and prudent financial management for long-term sustainability.

Web Link Westlund House & AIDS Action Council of the ACT

The AIDS Action Council is a community organisation that was born from a grass roots response to a looming crisis. The AIDS Action Council continues to recognise its close connections with the variety of affected communities it serves. Westlund House runs coming out courses for Lesbians.

Web Link Another Closet

The LGBTIQ Domestic Violence Interagency (formally the Same Sex Domestic Violence Interagency) was formed in April 2001 in Sydney, Australia, as the result of a number of non-Government and Government agencies coming together with the aim of creating a collaborative response to the issues surrounding same sex domestic violence. The Interagency has a broad membership and has met consistently for the last 10 years.

Web Link After Ellen

Reviews and commentary on the representation of lesbians and bisexual women in entertainment and the media, including television, movies, books, andmuch more.

Web Link DocLIST : Doctors for lesbian & Bisexual women

DocLIST is a website listing doctors and mental health professionals recommended by lesbian and bisexual women across Australia. Women can visit doclist.com.au to find or recommend a doctor or mental health professional.